To compile the oxygen version we need to install the intel compiler 2020
To get the compiler download the 4 following parts:
You have to extract the 4 parts in 1 directory
To install the compiler do as follows:
* change to the parallel_studio directory and run install script
algerien1970@linux-wipm:~/abinitio/Intel_2020 /parallel_studio_xe_2020_update4_cluster_edition> ./
We need to use this license file
The intel compiler will be installed in the home directory with intel name
We need to add the following lines in ~/.bashrc file
source /home/algerien-1970/intel/bin/ intel64
source /home/algerien-1970/intel/bin/ intel64
source /home/algerien-1970/intel/bin/ intel64
source /home/algerien-1970/intel/mkl/bin/ intel64
source /home/algerien-1970/intel/impi/2019.9.304/intel64/bin/ intel64
and source the file
algerien-1970@linux-huzz:~/abinitio> source ~/.bashrc
To download the last version of the Exciting code called Exciting-Oxygen click on the following link:
* Set the environment variables as follows:
algerien-1970@linux-huzz:~/soft> kwrite ~/.bashrc # ( you can use gedit or emacs editors )
* add the following at the end of the file
# The following shell variables are needed for executing scripts in exciting tutorials
export EXCITINGROOT=/home/algerien1970/abinitio/exciting
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- export TIMEFORMAT=" Elapsed time = %0lR" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- export WRITEMINMAX="1" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$EXCITINGTOOLS/stm export PATH=$PATH:$EXCITINGTOOLS:$EXCITINGROOT/bin:$EXCITINGTOOLS/stm #=====================================================================================
where /home/algerien-1970/abinitio/
is the path where the unziped file will be put
* Source the file .bashrc
algerien-1970@linux-huzz:~/abinitio> source ~/.bashrc
* Unpack the ziped file and rename the folder with the name exciting
* Enter to the exciting root
algerien-1970@linux-huzz:~/abinitio> cd $EXCITINGROOT
Compile with ifort compiler
algerien-1970@linux-huzz:~/abinitio/exciting> cp build/platforms/ build/
* Compiler with make serial for only serial calculations
algerien-1970@linux-huzz:~/abinitio/exciting> make serial
or with make smp for multi processors calculation
make smp
or with make mpi for computer clusters
algerien-1970@linux-huzz:~/abinitio/exciting> make mpi